
The conference is designed to attain ambitious and multifaceted goals, such as:

Enhancing Understanding: Our primary goal is to foster a deeper comprehension of the root causes contributing to the current global crisis. By delving into the complexities of these issues, we aim to facilitate insightful discussions that can pave the way for informed solutions.

Fostering Global Scholarly Collaboration by Breaking Geopolitical Barriers: We seek to dismantle the artificial divisions within academia that align with geopolitical spheres of interest. The conference provides a unique platform for the exchange of ideas from diverse corners of the world, transcending traditional boundaries and encouraging a more holistic approach to academic discourse.

Amplifying Academic Influence: In recognizing the pivotal role of the academic community, we aspire to explore avenues through which scholars can effectively voice their perspectives and influence centers of power.

Collaborative Research Initiatives: The conference serves as a nexus for the exchange of ideas regarding collaborative research projects. We encourage participants to explore possibilities that transcend geopolitical faultlines, fostering cooperative efforts to address shared challenges and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

Fostering Solidarity and Empathy: Beyond academic discourse, the conference aims to make a tangible impact on the broader global community. By raising public awareness, we aspire to cultivate international solidarity and empathy for those who are oppressed and endangered. Through shared understanding, we hope to inspire collective action for positive change.